How can I prevent or remove a Virus on Windows phone?

Spiros Mixailidis

New member
Aug 27, 2014
Is there any good way of removing a virus from a windows phone? How to scan for viruses? Is there an antivirus app in the windows phone store?
There are no known viruses for Windows Phones.

What problem are you having? Although it isn't a virus, people might be able to help you solve the problem if you provide further details.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
No viruses on windows phone, applications are disk and memory locked to their own space and can't read Core OS or other applications. the only thing a malicious application could do would be to copy photos and music and send your location if you clicked yes to allow when you installed.
Just because I have the doubt. My MS acc got my credit card data, but I use the wallet pin for more security. There is no way an app uses my MS acc data without asking me the PIN right?
If Microsoft has your credit card number make store you have 2 factor authentication turned on. If you are worried about an app on your phone retrieving your credit card by virtue of being stored on the same phone then I wouldn't worry. I've never heard of this kind of attack. I doubt very much that is possible.
The best way to get rid of a virus on Windows Phone is to first quarantine your phone in a room lined with plastic over the windows and doors for 21 days.
It is better to go to any mobile store to format your phone, it can help you to remove the virus.
Is that kinda like doctors giving patients penicillin for a cold ? ( cold is a virus not a bacterial infection therefore penicillin is useless against a cold ) AND they don't even have a cold, they're just being a hypochondriac ?
Is there any good way of removing a virus from a windows phone? How to scan for viruses? Is there an antivirus app in the windows phone store?

Oh for the love of God !!!! I hope it's not the one that you get in Xbox Games....cause then it uses your wifi to get into your Xbox and PS3, and then all three devices gang up and format sector 00 of your Smart Coffee maker...... It's called the Starbucks Virus.
Is that kinda like doctors giving patients penicillin for a cold ? ( cold is a virus not a bacterial infection therefore penicillin is useless against a cold ) AND they don't even have a cold, they're just being a hypochondriac ?

Sometimes doctors do things like that to make the patient believe they are being helped. :amaze: I suppose it could work the same way with an antivirus on a phone? Sometimes what we believe is reality is more important than actual reality.
Windows Phone can be a carrier to a virus but not actually infected by one at least currently. Most viruses are either based on android or x86/x64 windows. Currently all windows phones are ARM so we are protected automatically by our low 3% marketshare since most people aren't going to even try. You can store an infected file on your phone and transfer it to another computer later, but it won't actually affect the phone in any way shape or form.

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