Battery % Charge while switching Regions - a Bug?


Active member
Jan 12, 2013
I have set my region to US for Cortana, but whenever I need to purchase an app I have to revert to my local region first, make the purchase and then return my region to US. Just now, I switched regions. Initially my battery was at 100%. After the phone restarted automatically, battery was at 65% (I kept my phone plugged to its charger the entire time). Then I waited for it to charge to 100% - took a shorter time than usual (just over five minutes, compared to normally around 30 minutes). In fact, I was able to catch the charge "jump" from 86% to 100% literally in a blink. Switching back to US region dropped the charge to 65%, but then it "jumped" again from 70% to 100% in a split second.

This happened before (several months ago, but I just forgot to post it here, both for an HTC 8s and an L1020). Anyone else experiencing this discrepancy? What could be the cause? And could this be the reason why I am having such a short battery life all this time?
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Same issue with my Lumia 1020... Happens whenever I restart my phone. Once, it was like charging and was at 100% and after I restarted my phone, it was 32%!! :shocked:
I restarted again, and thankfully it was back to 96%. :)
Just let the battery run dead then it will calibrate itself...also for switching region there is an app which brings up all games and apps in any region without having to reset your phone... Forgot the name but worth hunting it down...i had trouble downloading a game and it was plagued with ads tho
@Wam1q: Thanks for this info, glad to know i'm not the only one, with the L1020 at that.:cool:

@Suicide Stacey: I'm a bit weary about discharging the battery to "0%" with the inherent irreversible chemical damage it brings to the lithium-based batteries. This itself could be the reason why batteries recalibrate themselves when fully discharged - to compensate for the incurred damage. Right now I'm already seeing a bit of an improvement in battery life, but when it becomes necessary to force the recalibration, I may just take your suggestion.:wink:

Also, thanks for the info but it was more of a Paypal region - phone region issue than of app availability. Can't purchase an app through Paypal if the region in your Paypal account does not match the region in your phone, regardless through your phone or your laptop/PC browser.
Letting the battery run dead doesn't harm the battery as I believe its all electrical in our device with no chemicals but I understand your concern tho. Hopefully another reader may be able to go more into detail regarding this :-)
I have set my region to US for Cortana, but whenever I need to purchase an app I have to revert to my local region first, make the purchase and then return my region to US. Just now, I switched regions. Initially my battery was at 100%. After the phone restarted automatically, battery was at 65% (I kept my phone plugged to its charger the entire time). Then I waited for it to charge to 100% - took a shorter time than usual (just over five minutes, compared to normally around 30 minutes). In fact, I was able to catch the charge "jump" from 86% to 100% literally in a blink. Switching back to US region dropped the charge to 65%, but then it "jumped" again from 70% to 100% in a split second.

This happened before (several months ago, but I just forgot to post it here, both for an HTC 8s and an L1020). Anyone else experiencing this discrepancy? What could be the cause? And could this be the reason why I am having such a short battery life all this time?

I too have this issue.. 61% when ever I switch regions n restart. What to do? Battery life is shorter n runs down fast coz of this. Any solution?
I've replied to your private message. Have you tried charging your phone after switching regions? You should see it jump from "61%" to somewhere near 100%, if not directly at 100%.

Also, I think your phone battery life is not really significantly shorter... it's just that you're more conscious about it now. Repeatedly checking the battery level of your phone means you'll need to turn it on more frequently... that will drain your phone battery faster.

Battery capacities also decrease with time, i.e. a battery that is one-year old will not last as long as a battery that is fresh from the factory. The science and chemistry behind this is simple, but lengthy - basically it's wear and tear, and is part of the operating conditions of the device. Having to charge a device more frequently as it ages is a fact of life - at the moment at least, until we develop a new technology for batteries.

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