3rd Lumia 1520 and have problems!


New member
May 24, 2014
Hi everyone,

Before I go any further I am not a troll as I have had 2 lumias in the past of the 1520, the issues I pointed out can be found in my post history.

Now this morning as I woke up, I used my phone as someone called me... Then left to use the bathroom, I came back and the phone was being odd and unresponsive to touch. I just pressed the power button on and off and it fixed the issue.

Now when I tried taking a picture earlier on, the camera decided to zoom in and out when doing a focus image, thought it was odd OIS, so I exited the camera app and tried the Microsoft one, again does the same thing. Oddly it wouldn't let me focus properly.

Now I did a soft reset and thought that fixed the problem, tried taking a photo again but the same issue. Now I exited the camera app to the home screen and noticed it was shaking up and down uncontrollably, eventually the screen won't respond nor the touch buttons. So I turned the screen on and off, which made the touch screen responsive.

Thinking what may have caused it... I put pressure on the top and bottom part of screen and released the pressure and the issue appeared. However it will go away when I press power on and off button.

So I want to know, is this a software problem or a hardware? This is my 3rd Lumia 1520 already spent excess money on return shipping and buying. I do have warranty but I think I'm fed up with returning and receiving. This is a brand new device, so were the other 2, I must be incredibly unlucky to receive 3 faults in 3 phones... If Nokia can provide and door to door exchange like they used to I'd be happy, but my strong feeling is they'll take it away for 2 weeks and repair and send back yet I have to bare the expense of shipping and waiting.

I'm in uk by the way, nearest Nokia care point is over 50 miles away.

I'm reposting this here as I never got a response.
Were you able to, by chance, take note of the phone serial numbers every time you had your phone returned and shipped? Or were they at least of the same color? Or were the problems the same? I had a bit of time to go over your post history but I could see that you had responses to the previous posts you made, so I'm not sure if you meant that you had this exact problem for the past three 1520s and "never got a response" from this forum about it.
I am on my first 1520 and had it for 7 months and not a problem like that... I had the odd phantom touch and shaky screen but very rarely. I suspect that they are actually sending you your original phone back after a repair. In that case you still have the same phone and its been repaired twice and still doesn't work. This so me suggest its a hardware problem. Like the above post said....make a note of the ime number and then send it back and ask for a replacement....
No no xD, I bought from different sellers, this time from amazon eu, who shipped it brand new, the other 2 sellers ran out of stock and accepted a full return. Finally got it from amazon and do have a warranty, first one camera started behaving odd, second one had an lcd bleed and this one has random touching and opening bing search... Although its stopped for time being.
Unfortunately that has not solved the problem, however amazon are kind to send a brand new one (again) and then accept a return. However I am kind of fed up with these defective ones I am getting. Should this be another defective one, sincere apologies Nokia and Microsoft, Android L seems to be winning me... And I dislike android 😐.

Should I contact nokia support?
Unfortunately that has not solved the problem, however amazon are kind to send a brand new one (again) and then accept a return. However I am kind of fed up with these defective ones I am getting. Should this be another defective one, sincere apologies Nokia and Microsoft, Android L seems to be winning me... And I dislike android ��.

Should I contact nokia support?

You may contact Nokia Support, but don't expect them do to wonders for you - while they may not give you a solution at the very least your feedback would reach them and we can hope that they would use it to determine whatever is wrong in the situation.

When it comes to "pricy" and high-tech devices, my advice is to stay away from online third-party retailers. Who knows what those devices went through and if the warranty is still intact (even if they claim so). Insist on a refund, especially because that is already your THIRD defective phone. You have better chances in going to a mall or a real store - even if it is 50 miles away. It's just a question of choosing between the hassle of traveling and the hassle of repeated replacements/refunds/defects.

P.S. It's probably not Nokia's or Microsoft's fault the phone is defective. Most likely it is poor shipping and handling.:cool:

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