Windows Central Question
Lumia 630 can't connect to Wifi
At our school we have an ISG-Extranet. As soon as I click on the link to log on it come up with a page saying that We're having trouble displaying this page. My friend also has a 630 and he cannot connect either. I am at a total loss at what to do and I have no idea how to connect. Can anyone please help me? Here is some info if you need it
Its Ruckus
IP address is
DNS is
Thanks so much!!
At our school we have an ISG-Extranet. As soon as I click on the link to log on it come up with a page saying that We're having trouble displaying this page. My friend also has a 630 and he cannot connect either. I am at a total loss at what to do and I have no idea how to connect. Can anyone please help me? Here is some info if you need it
Its Ruckus
IP address is
DNS is
Thanks so much!!