Touch settings not opening since Update to win 8.1 (Lumia 720)


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Oct 25, 2014
The updates introduced in the windows phone 8.1, were very much required. Lots of issues have been resolved since I updated my Lumia 720 to win 8.1.
But ever since i' ve encountering new problems as well. In the beginning when I updated to 8.1, I couldn't open:
1) Glance screen settings
2) Display setings
3) Touch settings
in my phone. But sometime later an update was made to Glance screen settings and Display setings which fixed the issue for these particular settings. But after so long my touch settings are still waiting to be mingled with, but I can't access them. As soon as I open it loading screen appears and after a second, I am taken back to setings window.
Is this issue arising to all Lumias or lumia 720s or just mine?
Us any update under development?
Does anybody have any information regarding this?
Please help me console my anxious soul.
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1)Change your date to 2134yr or even further.
2)Now come back and try open touch it will tell you uninstall it. Do that, then fix your date.
3)Finally install SysApp pusher, find Touch in Nokia section, install it. You should be able open it now
1)Change your date to 2134yr or even further.
2)Now come back and try open touch it will tell you uninstall it. Do that, then fix your date.
3)Finally install SysApp pusher, find Touch in Nokia section, install it. You should be able open it now

Thanks AV2RY.
Your little trick solved the issue.

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