What programming language should I learn?


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Interested in developing apps for WP and Windows 8.1, but need to start learning a language. Is C# the best to learn for this? Any good books that anyone can recommend?
unity (supported in windows/windows phone), windows & windows phone - C#/C++ (C# for beginner, C++ for advanced coder) [not recommended JavaScript, it looks weird and HTML has no visual designer, like the one that you can see what you have done in XAML]
C# for beginner, C++ for advanced coder

I disagree with this. Programming languages are tools, and like any tool, you'd usually want to choose the best tool for the job.

Of course, asking someone to use C++ who can't will only lead to disaster, but that isn't relevant if all you're asking is which to learn.

If you're looking to create an e-mail client, an interface for an online service, or something like that, then even the most advanced programmer will prefer C#. In general, C# emphasizes programmer productivity, whereas C++ emphasizes software efficiency, but C++ requires more work, it doesn't hold the programmers hand, and it is harder to do well.
Are you using books or web videos? Any recommendations?

I'm still looking for books but playing with the samples from https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps is a good start.

I would download the Channel 9 app for Windows and Windows Phone as well.

http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/C-Fundamentals-for-Absolute-Beginners is the updated version of the series that Ed Boland posted earlier.

http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/c-fundamentals-for-absolute-beginners is also good to have a look at, it lets you set up a learning plan as well. Same series of videos from the channel 9 link I posted above.
C# of course. If you master C#. You will master Java in no time since the syntax similar and both of them object oriented programming language. When you master both you can build a native apps on any mobile platform
Posted using my Nokia Lumia 625 via Tapatalk

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