I think Microsoft should buy Google, what do you say?


I wish it was possible, but sadly, Google is just as big a company as Microsoft now :( they should have bought them when Google was first starting up.

Wasn't MS involved with an antitrust suit at the time? I think if they would have bought them there would have been a bigger suit than what it was. Funnily enough, both Google and Apple are similar to MS these days so it's amusing how times have changed.

I also read Google plans to change their old tag line of 'do no evil'.

No, the competition has been great for Microsoft. They are finally innovating again. Contrary to popular belief, they haven't had a bad OS since Vista, the surface and WP products are top notch. Windows 8.1 is suberb and 10 looks pretty good even in alpha. They online products (while sticking it to their VARs) are the best offerings in their markets for the enterprise. They are doing well.
I'm not dreaming, and I wouldn't want that. Neither is likely, but Google is bigger and richer than MS at this point, so it is likelier, or less unlikely if you prefer.
It can't happen. If you put together Ms and Google you have a monopoly in search engines, desktop and mobile os.
US and EU antitrust would never allow this
It can't happen. If you put together Ms and Google you have a monopoly in search engines, desktop and mobile os.
US and EU antitrust would never allow this
yea, either have to dismantle and sell each division or spin off these brands: xbox, bing, android, search, etc. if the companies are sliced into pieces like pepperoni pizza with Hawaiian pizza, then each division can merge, or be bought as long as they have no connection with former parent company.

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