Lumia 830 on AT&T Next-good idea to get it on NEXT?


New member
Jun 28, 2014
Since it was just announced, I basically jumped at the idea of being able to get it, but I don't know very much about NEXT, although I hear it's like T-Mobile's Jump. After using the 521 on PCS, I think it's time for an upgrade, would getting this on NEXT be a good idea? If anyone could specify the different between 182 (or 18, not sure if it was a typo in the article) and 12, that'd be swell.
I use att next. Basically if you do the 18 month next plan the installment you pay is lower. On the flipside, you have to wait 18 months before you can trade in for a new phone.

On the 12, you may slightly more. But you upgrade earlier at 12 months.
I got the 1520 (year ago) on the Next program, but it was probably a dumb move. I pay $27/month and my bill says this:

Amount Financed: $540.00
Installment 11 of 20
Balance Remaining after Current Installment: $243.00

Seems like a lousy deal to me, wouldn't do it again. The only reason I did it was because I was new to WP and didn't know if I'd like it. Probably would be cheaper to just buy it and toss it if you don't like it, although you'd have to suffer with it for a little while.
The only way it would have been cheaper was if you had waited a few months for prices to come down. I don't think that has anything to do with the Next program.
Well at the time the choice was $200 with a 2-year contract, or $27/month with a 2-year contract but you could get a new phone after a year (Next). So it would have been cheaper to get the first option. All it gets you is flexibility to dump the phone sooner.
Remember if you are on a Mobile Share plan, you should receive a discount for using AT&T Next; typically $15 or $25 a month, which may cover most or all of the phone installment payment.
For my brother and I who have smartphones on ATT and my Little Brother on a dumphone

Regular 2 year contract:

Lumia A:
Data plan: 40
Access: 25

Lumia B:
Access: 25

20 dollars

$110 altogether

For our actual Plan

Lumia A(I am on Next):
Installment: 29.25
Data: 40
Smartphone Access: 25

Lumia B(Not on Next)
Access: 25

Dumb phone: 20

$139 a month

LOL I guess I am not saving any cash after all and I am paying more :P(If we didn't have that dang dumb phone, we wouldn't have this issue :P)

THough I think if we both switched to next, that we'd be paying around the same price.

For Your Situation:

A. Non-next one line
Data: 40
Access: 40

Price: $80

B. For Next
Lumia 1520 installments: 29.25(The 12 month one)
Data: 40
Access: 25


So you'd be paying $14 extra a month(before taxes) for 12 months on Att next. Personally, I think this is a decent deal in a way. On the flip side I pay a little more and I can update way faster than the 24 months.

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