Uri scheme for camera 360 pro??


New member
Mar 6, 2014
This app was featured today on WC but can anyone find its uri scheme so that it can be used with an app like quicky to open it from the action centre?
Out of curiosity I took a look... I combed through all the article titles from November 10th. Not one mentions URI Scheme, Quicky, or camera360. Likewise on the 9th... I had to go all the way back to November 3rd. Not all articles are published on the date you read them.

Quicky, an easy way to add shortcuts to your Windows Phone Notification Center | Windows Central This article about Quicky does mention URI Scheme as the method needed to create the "Quicky Launch" shortcuts... URI Scheme is not an App - it is the technique the Quicky App takes advantage of to operate.

Get the Quicky App which has a URI Scheme lookup. It should do what you want.

URI Scheme explained: URI scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So I think I misread something and believed you wanted an App named "URI Scheme." I apologize.

The URI Scheme lookup that Quickly uses is here: Apps with undocumented URI schemes - Wiki

According to that table the URI for Camera 360 is "camera360" but that info is undocumented. Try it and if it doesn't open the App, contact the App author of Camera 360.
Well i talked about the uri scheme of camera360pro pro the version that was released a few days back and updated today. But thanks for your help.

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