Windows Central Question
the phone just powers off abruptly and keeps turning on an off. even when its connected to the charger, now cant use the phone cos of this problem
I doubt soft/hard resets will help, but give them a shot
I just got this problem. I was on an app and wanted to share something and airplane mode turned on and then it restarted o.o
Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.
BEFORE you perform a hard reset, which will indeed remove all your data, there have been many reports on this bug and the solution was particularly simple if you're using a Lumia where you have direct access to your battery (e.g. a L530.) The problem may just be a loose battery connection. Just tighten the contact pins between your battery and your phone, either by slightly bending the pins of the phone gold contact pins outwards* or by placing a piece of paper (or any other thin film) that will push the battery towards the phone gold contact pins.
*- Bend it slowly, using a toothpick, and GENTLY. Too much force will break these pins.
BEFORE you perform a hard reset, which will indeed remove all your data, there have been many reports on this bug and the solution was particularly simple if you're using a Lumia where you have direct access to your battery (e.g. a L530.) The problem may just be a loose battery connection. Just tighten the contact pins between your battery and your phone, either by slightly bending the pins of the phone gold contact pins outwards* or by placing a piece of paper (or any other thin film) that will push the battery towards the phone gold contact pins.
*- Bend it slowly, using a toothpick, and GENTLY. Too much force will break these pins.
I don't think is my problem. I think it has to do with the newest update for the 635..
Try a couple or three of "soft resets" first at least before the "hard reset". Press and hold the volume down volume and power buttons until you see your phone power down and restart.
If this still doesn't work, then "hard reset" it is. At that point, I hope the "hard reset" would fix the problem and be worth it.:angel:
It only happened once. Nothing more..