WPCentral Question
I have a Nokia Lumia 520 ,updated my phone to windows 8.1, checked the news that it on the 520, and it also says It comes in the united kingdom but still doesn't work even if I am in the UK.
See what happens if you change your region to the US. I did that on my 720 (which I had formerly) and I found Cortana available. Once it was on, I changed the region back to the UK and Cortana stayed in place...:>)
Played with it for a few minutes, sent an hilarious text to my daughter by using Cortana (I don't think she gets my accent), noticed neighbourhood was spelt wrong and my news was all US, so I have jumped back to the UK and will wait for her to come via the correct channel where hopefully my phones spelling is "Proper" English :wink: