Why have my navigation keys stop working suddenly?

Amir Massoud

New member
Apr 17, 2014
Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

I'm just checking my mail and I press back button but no vibrate and doesn't work! I find that all of my 3 keys are stop responding!
I turn off phone 3 times even restarting with holding power button ...
but still not working , why?:(
my phone now become exactly useless :(
I have Lumia 625 Os 8.1
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

It may be a connection that came loose or a wire that got burnt.

Have you tried a Hard Reset or a Soft Reset? Nokia Lumia 625 hard reset

​If the reset does not work, check with a qualified repair service in your area or contact Nokia Care.
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

so if there is a connection hat came loose or a wire that got burnt... I should change the glass and digitizer ? :/ it cost a bit high here...:/
I try soft reset many times... now I wanna try Hard reset:/
I just have a question! is there any difference between reset from setting Or using nokia software recovery tool ? (that change to lumia too!!!)
I'm living in Iran!:/ no Nokia care:/
so if there is a connection hat came loose or a wire that got burnt... I should change the glass and digitizer ? :/ it cost a bit high here...:/
I try soft reset many times... now I wanna try Hard reset:/
I just have a question! is there any difference between reset from setting Or using nokia software recovery tool ? (that change to lumia too!!!)
I'm living in Iran!:/ no Nokia care:/

Na, look for a video on YouTube on how to take apart your phone, it might be relatively easy, but you'll need the tools to do so.

Had a friend who broke his 635's screen and the hardest part was separating the screen from the skeleton, once he did that, he was able to put it all back together in 5 minutes.

Good luck! :)
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

so if there is a connection hat came loose or a wire that got burnt... I should change the glass and digitizer ? :/ it cost a bit high here...:/
I try soft reset many times... now I wanna try Hard reset:/
I just have a question! is there any difference between reset from setting Or using nokia software recovery tool ? (that change to lumia too!!!)
I'm living in Iran!:/ no Nokia care:/

If resetting the software doesn't work, I'd start with an inspection. Like Zulfigar said, there are videos on YouTube to show how and what special tools you need.

HOWEVER, if you open the case you void any warranty. There are telltales in there that you can't cheat. So if you have any warranty, do not open the phone unless you are sure you won't apply for a warranty repair.

If it is just a loose connector (more likely than a fried wire by far) you may just be able to replug the connector and not need parts.

If any of that makes you squeamish that you might break something for good, try a repair shop and get an estimate for any work before you give the OK. One price to open/inspect and then contact you with prices before they order and replace any parts.
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

thank you alot
so I'll try hard reset first!
I saw a video and I was wonder that if I need clue or not? no one answer me clearly! I think u can answer me right!:D
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

I've not actually done the "operation," but there should be retention clips in there. You need a special tool to release them... and maybe reseat them?
Re: Navigation keys stop working suddenly!!!

I had hard reset it and it becom ok and work for a day... suddenly it vibrate and go to cortona , home and sometimes back for it self!!!! :(
it's hardware?
now I'm trying Lumia software recovery tool:(
wish my problem solve:(

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