Why is my 822 freaking out again?


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Oct 26, 2014
822 freaking out again...

A few weeks ago after one of the DP update my 822 worked ok for a few hours and then all of a sudden is basically broke...touchscreen wouldn't work time would be all messed up and sometimes phone would connect to networks and sometimes not when I was having these issues phone would never ring. After trying all sorts of resets I resorted to nokia reset which sucked because I had to then download all the updates and then the DP updates as well to get back to normal. Things have been fine...until this morning. I swiped to go to list of apps and selected A to get the alpha list to come up and phone froze. Now ever since then its been completely screwed again. sometimes the date/time are correct and sometimes note...sometimes it shows me connected to network and sometimes note...sometimes the power button works and sometimes it doesn't...can't get any calls but will sometimes get email alerts but can't access the emails. I've tried pulling battery a dozen times probably and like I said sometimes it sort of works and other times not at all...sometimes if I leave it alone for a long time it will work a bit and then sometimes when its in frozen state it will just restart itself.

I am on VZ and due for new phone but holding out for something new as what they have out now is old and crappy.

Has anyone else had any issues like this...please help....
Re: 822 freaking out again...

Just to provide an update...phone was shot almost all day yesterday then I took the battery out for well at least an hour and later on at night plugged it in and put battery back in and it booted up and was fine...worked fine last night and then fine early this morning. was waiting for train this morning listening to FM radio when started acting up again at almost the same exact time as yesterday. Not sure if somehow its the cold weather but first time this happened a few weeks ago weather was much warmer. So again I took battery out and left it out for at least 30min and when got to work...plugged it in and put battery back in and the phone has been fine ever since.

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