Convince me to stay on windows phone?

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New member
Feb 16, 2013
Okay so ive been looking around for a new windows phone and i'm slowly coming to the conclusion that windows phone is getting boring, i first bought a windows phone because of the colour and new experience that it provided . i started with a 920 and then last year bought the 1020 which has been brilliant but its almost like i can feel it getting old in my hand, everyone around me has thin slick looking new phones and then theres me with my 1020. The 1020 has done its job perfectly but since the nokia acquisition it feels like its been deserted by microsoft, nokia was keeping the updates rolling out constantly and then microsoft finishes the purchase of nokia and nothing... no updates, no new flagships nothing.... and before someone cries about how much they love the 930, its not an upgrade from the 1020. The 1020 outshines the 930 and is still the phone that when people see it they instantly recognise it and say "Ohh thats that phone with the awesome camera right?". The 1520 is simply too big for me to use as an everyday phone and then ummm thats all of them and thats the big problem i have is that i want a true 1020 successor something that is clearly different and has the specs to blast the others out of the water. Before i get told about how i just want a camera with more megapixels that's not true, i want a phone that stands out and says look at me!!! I know there's rumours of a 1030 circulating but thats obviously not coming until mid or late 2015 given microsoft's track record of being extremely slow at doing everything. So theres my problem, do i wait until my 1020 crumbles in my hand until i can get the 1030(if it even happens), follow the sheep over to android or go completely random and go for a jolla phone?
No one can really know your needs and what is best for you. You are the only person who will be able to make that decision. My advice to you is to research what you need and what features are available in various devices. Then you can decide what the best device is for you. There is no best device; there is only the best device for a particular individual. What is best for me might not be best for you, and vice versa.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
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