Two choices Lumia 1520 & 930 - I compared them.

Vishnu Dharmapal

New member
Nov 19, 2014
I've two choices Lumia 1520 or 930
Lumia 1520 has
* 6" IPS LCD 1080p Clear Black Display
* SD Card
* Battery 3400 mAh
I think these are the main features of Lumia 1520 & Lumia 930 has
* 5" OLED Clear Black Display
* Motion co processer like in iPhone 5,6
* Not expandable
* Battery also low than 1520
Heard some reviews that it heats quickly
* Better autofocus in videos than 1520
* Audio is slightly inferior to 1520

These are the main things I find out here a big disappointment is No SD card Slot otherwise Lumia 930 is great compact phone.

So I chosen 1520 still not finally confirmed.

Help me to choose a Good One

Is there any flagships coming ????!!
The L930 has a horrible battery compared to the 1520 and it also lacks Glance if that is a feature you're interested in at all.

As for future flagships we're looking April/May at this stage but there could be a surprise before that but I doubt it.
If 1520 is too big for you, go for 930, otherwise 1520 is the best.

If you're interested in new flagships, I suggest you to wait, but MS has already confirmed that all WP 8 devices would be getting WP 10 update, so you can buy 1520/930 if you don't have patience.
If 1520 is too big for you, go for 930, otherwise 1520 is the best.

If you're interested in new flagships, I suggest you to wait, but MS has already confirmed that all WP 8 devices would be getting WP 10 update, so you can buy 1520/930 if you don't have patience.

Patience is not something many people have with MS lately. :P

I personally wouldn't get either but that me.
The chipset in 930 and 1520 is identical. BOTH will get all the Motion Core advances coming.

The camera modules in BOTH are identical. Any difference would be down to software and I would think Lumia Camera Classic has leveled this already.
I had them both at the same time. I just posted on other thread about why I kept the 1520.

The battery on this device is just amazing...... Also typing with the device longer emails, posts and whatnot is much more pleasing.

New flagship 940 or 1530 or 1540 will be most likely announced in the beginning of year, shipping April or something... This means we will get DP of the W10 around that time... February maybe? Someone that pays more attention to these things can make a better guess.

I wouldn't wait for a new flagship. Both 930 and 1520 are great devices with great hw, both get W10 and you get them both in decent prices (WP's are little unappreciated). When the new flagship comes, it will be freaking expensive....
I have 930, wich I chose over 1520 only because it's more compact and screen looks nicer due to bigger ppi. Everything else is about the same. I don't need expandable storage because 32gb is more than enough for me. I don't have movies and music in it. Also, I found batt life pretty decent, especially after the latest Pfd update. Anyway, both phones are great and you won't miss by choosing any of them. :)
I have the 1520 and my lad has a 930, if I couldn't have the 1520 I would be very happy with the 930, but the SD card support is the main issue for me, I have a 32g card and it is nearly full up with music so the option to chuck a 64 or 128 one in when needed really makes the difference apart from the size that is.

However the styling of the 930 reminds me of the HTC HD2 and it feels very solid.

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