How do I make Family Room work on my daughter's iPhone 6?


New member
Nov 25, 2014
Making Family Room work on Daughter's Iphone 6

Sent invite to my daughters on their Iphone 6.
They set up MS account on her phone, added (hotmail) on her email settings

Nothing changed with calendar app on her phone
How does she see our calendar, What are we doing wrong?

Re: Making Family Room work on Daughter's Iphone 6

i never knew that family room can be created with non wp phones.
i never tried that. never thought of it. aught to try.
Re: Making Family Room work on Daughter's Iphone 6

i never knew that family room can be created with non wp phones.
i never tried that. never thought of it. aught to try.

Reading, it says it can be done, Iphone users can not get everything but for example they are supposed to be able to get calendar, Which would be great!

I am just trying to figure it out yet have done the listed steps but she can not find it anywhere to view!
Re: Making Family Room work on Daughter's Iphone 6

Wow I would have thought for certain some of you had set this up with children's or spouses phones that were Iphones!
No one has any ideas on what we are doing wrong with this?
Re: Making Family Room work on Daughter's Iphone 6

On iPhone when you click on the link sent via text it should set up the calendar on the phone, then when you add an event in the room it should show up on her calendar

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