Windows Central Question
Nokia Lumia 521 temporary files wont delete.
It says I have 1.50gb of temp files. I deleted three of my five games which raised my storage to 635.67mb however day after day it shrunk with all of it seemingly going to temporary files. I try to delete however, it won't work. I once left it to delete overnight as it says it takes a while but still from 10:00pm to 7:00am nothing happened it still says 1.50pm
It says I have 1.50gb of temp files. I deleted three of my five games which raised my storage to 635.67mb however day after day it shrunk with all of it seemingly going to temporary files. I try to delete however, it won't work. I once left it to delete overnight as it says it takes a while but still from 10:00pm to 7:00am nothing happened it still says 1.50pm