[Help L920] Internet sharing on unlocked AT&T phone not allowing access?


New member
Nov 30, 2014
Hi i have a nokia lumia 920 unlocked from att. I am using it on t-mobile with the unlimted $80 plan and when i go into internet sharing it tells me this feature has not been added to my plan and wont allow me to use the hot spot. i own a lumia 521 from tmobile and my hotspot works just fine on there. i have tried the access point and going into the settings/cellular+sim section but it has not worked for me it is on lumia denim and is on windows 8.1 update i noticed all the previous posts say windows 8 not 8.1 was wondering if anyone has found a fix for this yet or if they have can they direct me to it?
re: [Help L920] Internet sharing on unlocked AT&T lumia 920 not allowing access?

1st you do not have Denim. And 2nd try installing Network+ (you'll find it in SysApp pusher).
I have 928 on T-Mobile when I got 8.1 update internet sharing stopped working and Network+ solved the issue (I dont know how) plus I dont have Access point
re: [Help L920] Internet sharing on unlocked AT&T lumia 920 not allowing access?

When I go into extras+info it says denim which is why I posted that I had denim maybe I'm wrong and looking in the wrong place but yea. Also I have network+already on this phone and access point aswell they where on the phone when I got it same issue everything works but all these links that say download network+ and access point to fix it and all of these are already on my 920 when I purchased the phone
I erased network + and access point soft reset and reinstalled network plus and still says I need to add hotspot to my plan but its. Added already idk I give up. O wells umm question what's in your network +tab because mine is only. Call forwarding
Install access point again, see what happens. If that doesn't help try next guide

It used to help me then it stopped for some reason (I used to have alot of problems with internet sharing) If you got foreign SIM card follow these steps

My Network+ only shows how many hours I've talk on my phone (voice call counter). I know it seem weird but that's what fixed my IS

BTW make sure you have the latest update available for Developers Preview

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