Wife has a Lumia 1020 and we're on AT&T. A little bit ago I received a call from her so I picked up and it was just a clicking sound over and over. I hung up and called her back but it went to voicemail. A few minutes later I got a relatively long text that looked like someone just randomly hitting keys but it also had 10 or so words in it that are common to where I live.
I called her back again about 30 minutes later and asked if she pocket dialed or texted me and she said no. I also asked her if her phone rang when I called her and she stated it didn't -- and it is glued to her hand. Told her to take a look at her phone and she told me it looks like she got the same text and that her email apps were open including her work email that requires a pass code. Did her phone get hacked some how or is the device just pooping out?
I called her back again about 30 minutes later and asked if she pocket dialed or texted me and she said no. I also asked her if her phone rang when I called her and she stated it didn't -- and it is glued to her hand. Told her to take a look at her phone and she told me it looks like she got the same text and that her email apps were open including her work email that requires a pass code. Did her phone get hacked some how or is the device just pooping out?