What about reviving Zune ?


New member
Jul 25, 2013
Guys I was thinking if we can try to force Microsoft few things such as:

Ditch Xbox branding for music and video altogether form Xbox, Windows and Windows Phone and also web and bring back zune services. Merge Windows Media Player, Xbox Music Player and Zune Player but design should be based upon Zune player. Xbox branding should be limited to gaming only specially due to lackluster performance of Xbox music apps on PC and phones. It is surely damaging Xbox brand. Moreover zune is better than Xbox Music Apps.
Too many music apps are confusing as well. So there should be only one Music player app bundled with Xbox, Windows And windows phone ie Zune Music Player.
What you guys think about this? I am not sure about which uservoice site will be good place to post this.
I seriously doubt it is damaging Xbox brand considering windows phone is virtually irrelevant.

Xbox music really doesn't bother me much anymore. It works well enough for me tbh. However I wouldn't mind the colors of Zune returning.

Xbox video I don't use so idc really but I do hate the fact my videos play through it.
No. Zune is dead to the eyes of the consumer, just like Kin.

I'm seeing Microsoft reverse its failures in managing the image of the XBOX brand, judging by the reactions I see on 4chan and 8chan /v/, of all places.

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