How do I participate in the photo contest?


New member
Sep 16, 2014
Don't know how to participate

Hi all, I don't know how to participate in photo contest.
So can u please say me the steps how to take part and upload photos?

To participate you need to have at least 10 posts on here. You're not allowed links or uploads until then. If you're using the WC app you can't upload anything but you can use TapaTalk which will allow uploads.

There isn't any active photo contest right now. They seem to have forgotten about it.
they are having photo contest once a week, I actually participated last week. And they will announce the winner a week after the contest then begin with another contest again.

The 'Paths' contest started November, a winner was to be chosen November 25. And in pace with previous contests the new one would be announced November 28.

Thnx for the info, but
Still m not able to get how to participate in photo contest.
Can u please explain the same...step by step?
Right now you can't because it has ended. Go to the photo contest article read the description, post your images related to the theme within the given time.

All the threads are closed. They close after one week and a new one opens to match the new theme.

Sam Sabri appears to be taking a week off from the contest because of the US holiday of Thanksgiving.

Watch this forum and when a new thread opens (probably Wednesday) you can enter that. For this forum (Photo Contests), they have waived the 10 post minimum to upload a photo file. Many contest entrants show as post #1. It is not only a way to show off the power and beauty of Windows Phone photography, it is a vehicle to attract new users.

While you wait for the contest to start up again, feel free to read and participate in the many other areas of Windows Central... and Welcome aboard.

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