Why on screen buttons instead of physical buttons ?

Mayank Kothari1

New member
Dec 3, 2014
Why Microsoft is launching lumia devices with On - Screen buttons instead of Capacitive buttons. Can i know the reason why they are doing this. I dont think they are trying to copy android devices..! Do they ? Okay let me tell my thoughts regarding this issue. What are the pros and cons of on screen buttons.

" Pros of On - Screen buttons "

- Rotates as the phone rotates ( o.k this is good but not in real )
- Little accurate than physical button ( o.k sounds good but.... but.... do read cons for that... )
- No accidental touch as in case of physical button ( this is issue of user, not everyone has that problem only except those 2 %. )
- Okay this was a good improvemet : Auto - hide the buttons when not needed ( automatically and manually )

There are cons more than the pros.

" Cons of On - Screen buttons "

- More screen space is used as compared to phyiscal button. ( if you have 4.7 inch screen you get only 4.65 inch screen)
- Remains on screeen and do not hide when any app is opened ( though improved in lumia 730 )
- Consumes more time. ( we have to swipe from bottom to use it. )
- When we want to use it we have to swipe and that accidently opens menu or any app while on " Start " ( the case of accident of opening apps is more than the accidental touch on physical buttons. )
- Looks cheap when holding a phone. ( just keep 730 & 720 besides and compare )
- If i quickly want to close any app i have to wait -> swipe -> and then -> i can use. (in physical buttons you dont need to do extra work. Just a simple touch.)

Okay..let me come to conclusion: On screen buttons are just good when...Oops! sorry i cant find any good point do you..?

It uses more screen, it consumes more time, accidently opens menus or any app, can not close any running app so quickly as compared to physical buttons, well there are lot many to list out and if i will sit to do that i wont be able to do my own work so let me just... say, etc.

I think providing on screen buttons are benefitial and profit making to manufactures, not the users...isnt it true ? o.O

if you think I am right at my place then please vote :

I invite your suggestions and comments.
This. However, with devices like the 630/635 and the 530, there is a gigantic bezel at the bottom where the physical buttons would go. They should have better design.
This. However, with devices like the 630/635 and the 530, there is a gigantic bezel at the bottom where the physical buttons would go. They should have better design.

Better design. I think we all want that.

I enjoy the soft on-screen navigation buttons.
Allows for illuminated buttons on rock bottom phones.

And how much more efficient can it get than baking the design into the OS with soft buttons? Why doesn't the tray of soft buttons always work in window shade mode. Never there when you don't want them, but always a small flick away?
Another benefit, which I don't like about the soft buttons, is that it makes it possible to manufacture phones that can be flashed with different operating systems. Flash it once for Android, sell an android phone, or flash it with Windows for a Windows phone. Don't have to change the hardware to sell to people on both platforms.

Personally, I'd like to see Android and iOS go away so everyone can become more productive with Windows Phone. Once that's done, the developers would have to start putting out the apps for Windows Phones. :devil:

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