A AshutoshGupta_bdh New member Oct 29, 2013 17 0 0 Dec 8, 2014 #1 is there any good substitute of Picasa on desktop? I want to upload my photos online automatically and have all my pictures at one place. I also do a little editing work on the photos. Pls help
is there any good substitute of Picasa on desktop? I want to upload my photos online automatically and have all my pictures at one place. I also do a little editing work on the photos. Pls help
RumoredNow New member Nov 12, 2012 18,134 0 0 Dec 8, 2014 #2 Um... OneDrive. It's for your phone, your desktop, your tablet, whichever OS (now). You can have a OneDrive Folder on your PC and sync it through the cloud. https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-ph/support/ Upvote 0 Downvote
Um... OneDrive. It's for your phone, your desktop, your tablet, whichever OS (now). You can have a OneDrive Folder on your PC and sync it through the cloud. https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-ph/support/