Windows Central Question
Lumia 1520 gets phantom touches and zooms in requiring phone reset
My 1520 seems to wig out when I text. Its like if I were to try typing "Hello", and what shows up is "Hwsklfbasjvbasd".
Then, if I hold the backspace button down, the screen zooms in. (Imagine if you take your 1920x1080 screen res and turn it down to 1080X768, everything looks huge). It will lock in the horizontal axis position while allowing vertical axis scrolling. I have found the only way to get rid of the zoom is to shut the phone down and turn it back on.
I did a warranty exchange, but the exchange phone had the same issue as this one, so I sent back the warranty exchange phone because of that.
My 1520 seems to wig out when I text. Its like if I were to try typing "Hello", and what shows up is "Hwsklfbasjvbasd".
Then, if I hold the backspace button down, the screen zooms in. (Imagine if you take your 1920x1080 screen res and turn it down to 1080X768, everything looks huge). It will lock in the horizontal axis position while allowing vertical axis scrolling. I have found the only way to get rid of the zoom is to shut the phone down and turn it back on.
I did a warranty exchange, but the exchange phone had the same issue as this one, so I sent back the warranty exchange phone because of that.