Change my lumia 830 for a 1520?


New member
Dec 11, 2014
I've been an iPhone user since the iPhone 3. I just decided to bought a Lumia 830 instead of a iPhone 6...and I love it!...i love it so much that I'm thinking about changing it for a 1520, but, is it a good idea? Or 1520 is soon to be obsolete (because of the time it's been out) ?? Any comment please. My doubts are because of future support to the 1520.
I think either is a good choice. The 1520 is so unique that I think it won't become obsolete as fast as other models.

I have owned the 1520 and loved it. It's big but not too big. It the only true high end Windows Phone out at this time. All of the Denim capabilities will be available on it so that is a big plus for me.

If you are someone that has to have the latest and greatest, then the 830 is newer and more up to date. That choice is something you hae to make.

You won't go wrong with either; I would choose the 1520 and never look back.
Well thanks. I didn't though that WP was so good...definitely there's a wrong perception out there...I think that tomorrow I'll go and change my 830 for a 1520

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