How do I stop the auto sync of Facebook contacts on my Lumia 535 Dual Sim?


New member
Dec 12, 2014
Auto sync of contacts in Lumia 535 Dual Sim

Hi Guys,
I am new to windows phone. Shifted from Android. I have the new Lumia 535 Dual. After completing the initial setup, there are so many names in contact list which it has taken from FB or my mail contacts. How to delete it..?

Also i can't find my phone Lumia 535 in your website drop down list..!!
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Re: Auto sink of contacts in Lumia 535 Dual Sim

You can filter contacts by choosing settings in the people app and tapping on filter contacts list.
Uncheck FB over there
Re: Auto sink of contacts in Lumia 535 Dual Sim

Thanks for the reply but still it is visible in contacts list. I have unchecked outlook and FB both. Pls suggets if there is some other option.
Re: Auto sync of contacts in Lumia 535 Dual Sim

Do you mean by contacts that when you open the phone app (dialer) and access contacts from there?
there is currently no way to remove the contacts from there. it wil show as many contacts as you have on your phone through apps. You can go to people app to view the ones that have been shortlisted by you
Re: Auto sink of contacts in Lumia 535 Dual Sim

Thanks for the reply but still it is visible in contacts list. I have unchecked outlook and FB both. Pls suggets if there is some other option.

Try selecting the option "hide contacts without phone numbers" and see if that helps. it's a little weird that so many Facebook contacts still show up with both options deselected. Otherwise, if you want to completely remove contacts from Facebook, go to the People hub > three-dot menu > settings > add contacts and click Facebook in the list. This should open up the Facebook app, which will present a screen with an option to 'connect with my phone'. Uncheck this option, and your Facebook contacts will be removed from the People hub. Do note that Facebook integration with the People hub will also be removed (such as posts in the what's new section).
Hello people. I have a microsoft nokia lumia 640 lte. When i want to make a phone call and i am going trough my phone contacts there is apear also my facebook friends and their mobiles number. how can I stop it? I just wanna see my mobile contacts not my fb friends

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