Has the Denim update for India come out yet?

Mukul Anand

New member
Oct 17, 2014
Lumia 520 denim update problem

I am a lumia 520 user having 8.1 OS. A week ago.. i checked for an update for lumia denim. bt as it was not available, it showed "Your phone is up to date". When i heard about "Lumia Denim" being rolled out in india on 520.. I went to check it again. But now it only shows "Checking for updates"...for Like an hour or so... It doesn't show any type or error or something. It just goes on like like. I tried this in 3G and in WiFi too...but in vain. Even I have restarted my phone 2-3 times.. But it is still not working... I tried at the nokia care but They are still unaware of the fact that Denim is out....Do i need to reset my phone? Help me please.
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

Just do a reset. Volumie Down + Power Button until phone switches off
Then check for updates..
It will not wipe out anything from your phone. All your stuff will be safe
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

But.. will it delete all my app and data??

Your apps and data are by default uploaded to OneDrive every time when you install apps.
So after reset and restore of apps you will have to just enter usernames and password for let's say FB, whatsapp and so on.
But you want lose your applications and It won't be need to install them all over again. Just to log in.
Also most of apps will be on the same place on your start screen :)
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

Thank you.. But are you sure that it will work..i mean resetting it?? Because i don't want to uselessly mess with my phone. I just want a proper update. Thats it. Thank u. :)
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

Yesterday Night...I also upgraded my lumia 520...at first attemp it gave some error but later on is started download the update.
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

Well once I installed WhatApp bad update and my phone (L 630) was blocked, I could barely to turn it on and off but the screen was blocked.
So I decided to reset it. After reset i received message If I want to restore my apps from OneDrive. I sad yes and all tiles and apps were restored and I only had to log in.

Just make sure that you didn't change OneDrive options. By deafult is to synchronize your apps on OneDrive.
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

You have to do a SOFT RESET not a HARD RESET. A soft reset will not delete any thing. Google or Bing soft / hard reset.
Re: Lumia 520 denim update problem

Now, a new thing people. Just when I was about to reset it.. suddenly a pop up came.. and it read " A critical Update is ready to download". ... But it shows.. only over wifi...Now what.?
This is because the update is "big" and if you do this with (cellular)data you may end up with additional costs. That is why it has to be vis wifi.
So just to "protect" you.

So switch on wifi an go

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