Windows Central Question
Hey, is it just me or has 6snap been pulled from the store? I had to reset my phone after the Chive fiasco and now I can't redownload 6snap.
I believe 6snap has been pulled.
Won't do any good anyway. Check the other threads around the board. SnapChat is now permanently locking out 3rd Party App users.
Chances are your SnapChat account has been shredded.
Well I still have 6snap installed and I can still view my friends' stories however I've avoided uploading anything at all so as to remain in a "passive" state, to not bring attention to my account. It's worked so far.
So they've broken your access and you are going to just stay quiet and hope you don't get spotted?
That sounds... optimal.
If you are afraid to participate... Your access is broken; or your enjoyment/utility/reason for "belonging."