How to use gmaps?


New member
Jul 2, 2014
I've been trying out some navigation apps for my 1520 (here+, Waze, etc) but I can't figure out how to use gmaps.

I get to the point where gmaps shows me the different routes and the approximate travel times but how do I select one? I've gone into the menu and select directions but it just covers the map and doesn't look like it's turn by turn. I've turned drivers mode on in the settings but that looks like it's too many clicks for something simple.

Can someone show me how to get it to do turn by turn?
Well, I didn't think that HERE+ or gmaps were navigation apps for one. They're just map apps. If you want turn by turn directions, use a navigation app like HERE Drive+ or Navigon (I can't speak for "Waze"... never tried it.)

Here's HERE Drive+ if you don't already have it..

HERE Drive+ | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Or Navigon, a paid, and somewhat pricey app, but highly popular.

NAVIGON USA | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Thanks Ed, that's what I finally figured out as well. I'll probably use gmaps to send the directions to either Here+ or Waze.
Just downloaded Gmaps. Terrible. Uninstalled it after 5 min of testing.

Yeah I was about to do the same thing but I found that Gmaps was better at searching for places than Waze. When I use Gmaps in the future, I'll just have it send the directions to my other navigation apps.

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