Thinking about buying a Lumia 925

Dharmang Bhavsar

New member
Jul 29, 2014
I was thinking about buying the Lumia 925 as now the price of the phone has reduced and its in my budget of around (₹20,000-23-000)($325-390 if u wanna know in dollars) I just wanted to ask if the phone is worth that price and will it gain further support of updates or should I expect MS to launch more phones in this segment in early 2015?
For that price probably not, if you can find one in the $200 range then hell yes, the 925 is dated but still a wonderful device, it has the most beautiful screen I've ever seen, even my current 1520 has nothing on it (apart from size lol)

I wouldnt really expect the 925 to get any more real updates, microsoft might keep releasing updates for them, but its already gotten to the "nothing was added" state, Cyan added nothing but performance and bug fixes. honestly, if your phone is in useable shape, I'd wait and see how WP10 plays out, the 925 suffered a slight performance drop after the notification center was added, so there is a possibility it may not play very nice with WP10, also who knows, maybe microsoft will make a 935, and if faithful to the past, it would most likely be the better choice

however, like i said, if you can find one below $300 (USD) I'd definately say its worth it, I still have mine... I still look at it sometimes and miss it.
Great phone, if you can get it for less than 300$ I think you won't be disappointed
Regarding support it should receive Windows 10 as for every WP8 phone according to MS statements
She's still a good all around phone, but you'll do better by trading up to the current generation of chipset and getting a gently used phone...

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