S Santosh M New member Sep 16, 2014 8 0 0 Dec 20, 2014 #1 when Microsoft will release denim update for Lumia 625 in india
RumoredNow New member Nov 12, 2012 18,134 0 0 Dec 20, 2014 #2 No one can give you the date... Check the lists and when it available it gets marked there pretty quickly. Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia Upvote 0 Downvote
No one can give you the date... Check the lists and when it available it gets marked there pretty quickly. Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia
xandros9 Active member Nov 12, 2012 16,110 1 38 Dec 20, 2014 #3 We don't know, eventually. Upvote 0 Downvote