Is my sd card broken?

seed dede

New member
Jul 11, 2014
i don't know if my sd card is broken or not, my phone doesn't want to start if its sd card on my phone. before it's happened, i've edited my mp3 tag by tag editor app but many text song title changed into japanese text on xbox music app. two days later when i want to save photo after edited by fantasia painter app, my phone says its photo can't be saved because zune is playing (i don't playing anything), my phone is locked and doesn't respond any command, so i gave hard reset but locked again in nokia logo until i removed its sd card, i try with another sd card and everything's normal. please tell me what's wrong
Your conclusion is good. Your SD card is damaged/broken. What you can do is place this card in the card reader of your computer. Maybe the computer stll can read it. If so you can salvage the contents. If not then maybe you can still "repare" the card if you format it.

Actual even if the computer can read it you should format it and then check if your phone works again with the card.
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I had a similar issue; it's a problem with the SD card. Even formatting mine only helped for a week or so. My phone just kept freezing until I took it out. Got a new one last week, and so far so good.

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