Stream audio from PC to Windows Phone?


New member
May 12, 2013
Hello all!

So this may sound kinda bazaar at first glace, but here's what I would like to happen and why, along with a little back story.

I have a PC connected to a big screen tv, and normally ill lay in bed before I sleep and watch some TV on it. I have been listening to it all through my surround sound which is great.

However I would like to be able to connect my phone to my PC via Bluetooth, to stream the audio from the show that's playing on my PC to ny Windows Phone so that I could plug in some headphones to my phone and listen to the show without disturbing others in the house.

All in all, it sounds very plausible to be able to do, however I don't believe there is an app for it.

Any input would be greatly appreciated! (pun not intended lol) :)
Should be doable with a Bluetooth headset. I wonder though if it is impossible for you to buy extensions for some regular headphones? Otherwise the alternatives might be convoluted and untenable. How big is your room?
Should be doable with a Bluetooth headset. I wonder though if it is impossible for you to buy extensions for some regular headphones? Otherwise the alternatives might be convoluted and untenable. How big is your room?

It could definitely be done with a Bluetooth headset. I should have specified that I have a really nice pair of head phones I wanna use for this. And an adaptor could work! Also range isn't an issue, id be about 20 feet away. Bluetooth is good for about 35ish
Have you tried Streaming Media?

Hmmm, it appears that the app is to stream content from your PC to your phone. Best case scenario I would like the picture playing on the tv and not my phone. I could always stream from my PC to my Surface and then go that way. Its a fall back at least!

Thank you again! :)

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