Why is my Glance screen flashing to white then turning off?

Speedy Danny

New member
Apr 29, 2014
Glance screen flash

when youre gonna fix glance screen brightness when the glance screen times out?glance screen flash(blink) to white when the screen goes off.
i just keep asking and no answer i get.
Re: Glance screen flash

I've seen this on my partner's 920, yet I don't have it on my 820. Can't work out the cause, so I put it down to a quirk.

Re: Glance screen flash

My 920 has this, although its not obvious.

Glance times out, screen goes to some shade lighter than black, then off.

Just a quirk to me.
Re: Glance screen flash

WCentral is not Microsoft so we can not fix it. But if you look above it looks like a 920 issue. If you want it fixed please contact Microsoft.
Re: Glance screen flash

Glance is part of the Lumia firmware. Microsoft may own it now (from purchase of Nokia Hardware OEM and related software), but they didn't write the code from the ground up. A customer service flack might have been using an old lookup for answer when they said it wasn't theirs?

Windows Central is a fan based News and Discussion site. So while we can't write code and push it to your phone, we do have some experienced users who know some tricks... I'll take a whack at some cures from a general user perspective and maybe someone else who has done troubleshooting for this exact problem might chime in later with better advice...

The first thing I did was look up the spec on the 920... It's an IPS LCD display. That means for Glance to work the whole screen must be lit. With LCD it is all or none in terms of pixels. With AMOLED the black areas are simply not lit so it can be tailored to only light the pixels used to make the Glance text and icons.

There must be a fault in the code for your Lumia Firmware that makes the pixels all light brighter than black for a quick instant before all turning off... But you know this.

Are you on the Preview for Developers? This is unoptimized changes to the core OS and can cause any number of minor irritants and anomalies. Rolling back to Official might resolve this issue.

Have you tried a Soft Reset? Sometimes this will solve a minor problem as it flushes "gunk" out of the system memory. Soft Reset by starting with the phone powered on. Hold the Volume Down and Power buttons until the phone reboots.

Have you tried using SysApp Pusher to manually check for updates to Glance and all Glance components (like Glance Background)? https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/sysapp-pusher/19d44d9e-f18e-4df1-9bce-36335242ed2e

Are you running Glance Background? That involves a lot more pixel lighting and complicated shifts between pixel patterns to prevent ant set of pixels from being lit too long and causing burn in. If using Glance Background, have you tried turning it off?

Have you tried altering the Glance display color? Does the "flash" happen with every Glance display color?

If Microsoft (or more specifically, Lumia - now owned by Microsoft) is aware of this, they may be patching it in the next Firmware push... Denim for you I assume, which is inbound shortly.
Re: Glance screen flash

This it happen after updates.I m not use any of other kind of glance.only the originals only clock.
Frist update of glance screen when he appeared i had the clock by then..and it works perfectly no lights issue.
and after gdr3 wp8.1 then the flash appeared
About firmware i have same firmware like before there is no issue in my firmware or hardware as well.
i did nothing to glance screen.i mean i did not install anything to modify the glance.
i only instaled the glance screen that i got in to my phone,i did nothing to change it,like instaling other glance screen to modify it.
Before the updates there were no issue.and i believe i m not the only one having this issue or bug.sry for my language.(i m using glance screen only and only for clock! color white.defaults settings peek mode).
Re: Glance screen flash

And i did: firmware reinstall,hard reset,soft reset,reset my phone,recovery from pc.and again firmware reinstall to solve some bugs with battery saver because he had some major problems.anyways even before had this problem (talking about glance screen)and i believe is not from my firmware or phone.this is what i think...some of updates has some bad configuration in glance screen update and i can show you if i can fiind the frist glance screen version released. frist version of glance screen works just fine.
Re: Glance screen flash

So are you on the Preview for Developers? You mentioned GDR 3 of 8.1... It may be unoptimized code in the P4D that is causing this.

The "cure" then becomes revert to Official or wait for an update to address it.
Re: Glance screen flash

yes now i am....and i was. until i updated my phone to lumia denim without cortana :D i managed to install denim with no cortana in it :D
Re: Glance screen flash

if this is not lumia denim..that's mean the phone is lying.I cant upload link to see the screenshots.
Im sure that i already have denim installed.the changes in extras+info has been changed after soft reset(reset my phone).
Re: Glance screen flash

Check the lists here to see if Denim is released for your phone yet: Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia

Look up by your Phone's Region/Country/Carrier (or unlocked Country Variant)/Model. Note it is based on your device and ROM, not necessarily your physical location. I've just combed through the lists and can not see where any 920 anywhere in the world has yet to get Official 8.1.1 + Denim.

​Again, I invite you to check the Preview for Developers forum for more on the false Denim bug - It is related to being enrolled in P4D. Your device has unoptimized code which has not passed carrier testing. This causes the irritants and inconsistencies you are describing here in this thread.
Re: Glance screen flash

it's really hard to understand?:
1.I have denim installed on my phone,
2.glance screen flashing problem i had it after second update of glance screen not after denim update,
3.i installed prev for developers app,i activated and after few minutes i got 3 critical updates. i installed all 3 of them then no more updates received.
4.after these updates did not fixed my battery saver problems
5.I did firmware reinstall this fixed battery problems...but the problem of battery saver app appeared again.. with latest update of this app
6.This time i did installed only 2 of updates(the thrid one has cortana in it) and i didnt instaled the thrid one cus i dont want cortana in my phone(i cant use it anyways.i m in italy and i m using english language in my phone)
7.After this firmware reinstall and 2 of updates installed battery saver again stopped working so i did soft reset(reset my phone) extras+info changed from cyan to denim and battery saver fixed again but this time i have old version of battery saver..i did not updated to latest version of this app(i want to try if there is bugs in latest version),this time seems to work better than latest version,until now it didn't stopped working yet.,
And of course there is not released for my lumia 920 yet,i dont remember well the name of app that did show me what update is released and what is not.But after i installed prev for developers i got the denim update.Don't know how. but some thinks in phone are fixed only think changed is extras+info tiles folder new and wifi icon from status bar.
So...i m saying again glance screen has nothing with denim update.
This flash screen happened after second glance screen update.
If there is any way to get the frist version of glance screen it will be much better for me to use it,forgot to make an backup with frist version of glance screen if i had the backup it were different for me now...
It sounds like you don't actually have Denim on your phone and that you're seeing the glitch that makes people think they have Denim.

What's the firmware version on your phone? Go to settings, about, then type in the firmware revision number. That'll tell me if you're experiencing the glitch or not.

And yes, the phone could be lying. This is a well documented bug.

And yes, Glance certainly does have a lot to do with what firmware type you have. "Denim has nothing to do with Glance" is factually untrue.
Re: Glance screen flash

Name: -
Model:Nokia lumia 920
Carrier:IT Country Variant
Software:Windows Phone 8.1 update

OS version:8.10.14157.200
Firmware revision number:3051.50009.1424.0008
Hardware revision number:
Radio software version 1.0.202184.3
Chip SOC version 8960
Screen Resolution 768x1280

MAC address:
IMS:not registered (what it is IMS?)

If the phone is lying...thats mean the one who did the firmware(or update) he doesn't know how to build a real firmware.this is more like bull****.
And i m not sure what's "glitch" means.
and about glance the "microsoft comunity moderator" said the glance has nothing to do with windows phone,they said the glance screen is not their doing.And yes i was more than sure that glance screen is a part from windows phone.(Microsoft community moderators are more dumb than me,sorry for that but is the truh)Every time when the phone has an issue or bug...all they answer is:reset your phone,hard reset,ecc.They cant even build a good video player,their are making them worse.Anyways i m saying again..glance screen problems appeared after his second update.(no firmware updates included)I tough so too about glance screen has to do with firmware before too.

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