Re: Glance screen flash
Glance is part of the Lumia firmware. Microsoft may own it now (from purchase of Nokia Hardware OEM and related software), but they didn't write the code from the ground up. A customer service flack might have been using an old lookup for answer when they said it wasn't theirs?
Windows Central is a fan based News and Discussion site. So while we can't write code and push it to your phone, we do have some experienced users who know some tricks... I'll take a whack at some cures from a general user perspective and maybe someone else who has done troubleshooting for this exact problem might chime in later with better advice...
The first thing I did was look up the spec on the 920... It's an IPS LCD display. That means for Glance to work the whole screen must be lit. With LCD it is all or none in terms of pixels. With AMOLED the black areas are simply not lit so it can be tailored to only light the pixels used to make the Glance text and icons.
There must be a fault in the code for your Lumia Firmware that makes the pixels all light brighter than black for a quick instant before all turning off... But you know this.
Are you on the Preview for Developers? This is unoptimized changes to the core OS and can cause any number of minor irritants and anomalies. Rolling back to Official might resolve this issue.
Have you tried a Soft Reset? Sometimes this will solve a minor problem as it flushes "gunk" out of the system memory. Soft Reset by starting with the phone powered on. Hold the Volume Down and Power buttons until the phone reboots.
Have you tried using SysApp Pusher to manually check for updates to Glance and all Glance components (like Glance Background)?
Are you running Glance Background? That involves a lot more pixel lighting and complicated shifts between pixel patterns to prevent ant set of pixels from being lit too long and causing burn in. If using Glance Background, have you tried turning it off?
Have you tried altering the Glance display color? Does the "flash" happen with every Glance display color?
If Microsoft (or more specifically, Lumia - now owned by Microsoft) is aware of this, they may be patching it in the next Firmware push... Denim for you I assume, which is inbound shortly.