What software should I use for a WP concept video?


New member
Oct 31, 2012
I want to make a concept video for a WP interface, but I'm not entirely sure what software I should use to do it. Does anyone have any recommendations? I have both a PC and Mac, so that's not an issue.
I'd just stick with what you're comfortable using, and what you're familiar with. I like Windows movie maker myself on the PC. Movie Creator Beta on WP seems pretty good, and its a universal app where you can pick up and edit where you left off on a win 8/8.1/10TP machine.
Movie Creator Beta lets you stitch video together, add text and music.

Movie Moments lets you add music and text to a video you just recorded. Just one video though.

Film it lets you put together pix/vids/music, not sure if you can add text. I don't have the full version.

I am not a video expert - just playing around.

I would love to see what you can do with your WP phone and Video - I need to learn.


Mr. V
Speaking of concepts, this person got Windows Phone 10 that should have been in Windows Phone from the beginning right.. Checkout his app and concept. Why Microsoft didn't do it tho way is beyond me..

Shared files from OneDrive http://1drv.ms/1rQtQbj
Thanks for the tips! I was thinking more along the lines of animation software, because I'd like to show some new transitions and movement. I don't necessarily want to use Flash or After Effects because I think there might be something better to use. Any ideas?

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