Bluetooth control for wired playback


New member
Jan 10, 2014
Is it possible to control my music or cortana using Bluetooth headset while listening via wired earphones? Could somebody with access to both try it?
No I mean two separate headphones. The Bluetooth one is the type used for calls. Can I just let it stay connected and at the same time listen to music on the wired better ones?
If he's like me, he's got wired headphones that don't have media buttons on it. I bought a relatively inexpensive wired headset. It has the mic, but no call button and no media buttons. I have to answer the phone from the screen.

I also have a very high-end Bluetooth headset. I prefer it for most tasks, except when I'm at the in-laws house and want to tune out all the noise when I decide to listen to music. They play the TV loud and try to converse over the noise of the TV, and then I just want to put on the headset to cover both ears, because the excess noise drives me nuts.

If I were able to control the music from the Bluetooth while listening to the wired earbuds, it would be great. Haven't tried it, but would keep me from pulling my phone out of the holster.

I'll go try it right quick...

No, can't control the playback with the Bluetooth when listening to wired. Seems the Bluetooth won't send the signal if it isn't receiving a media signal.

Now what would really be handy is when you have the wired headset plugged in to be able to route the FM Radio the the Bluetooth. Frustrating that I can't just use the wired headset as the antennae and my Bluetooth for the sound.
All this trouble is because my earphone jack is damaged and it won't register button presses of the wired one. Also since being part of the same module my video mic also not working. Thus Cortana is out of access for me. Hence my quest for Bluetooth earphone.

Now only if I could tell Cortana to start music using Bluetooth and then listen using the wired one, all my problems would be solved. Oh well..
If the deal is you want to listen to music using good quality earphones/headphones, they make those in Bluetooth that work for both ears, have the mic, and the media buttons. Only reason to have the cord is for FM radio. The only reason I use a cord for both ears instead of investing in another Bluetooth device is because I already spent $130 on the Bluetooth setup I have, and there are no headsets that cover both ears that will come close to the feature set that I have already, and just can't give that up. So, basically, my wires are for using with the laptop or at the in-laws house, or the rare time I stay up late after putting the kids to bed to listed to a football game on the FM Radio (we don't have Cable/Satellite, so can't watch it on TV. That's by choice.)

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