Uploading videos to facebook pages


New member
Jan 7, 2013
I'm using facebook pages manager and having trouble uploading videos . Pics load up fine but I get error message when attempting to load videos. I'm starting to do this for my work but having trouble...any suggestions? Thanks guys!!
My mistake.... I read your question wrong. Sorry. I use the Microsoft facebook I downloaded from the app store and that works great for uploading vids and pics. Also you can upload another way.

Go to camera roll
Select your video
Select share
Send to facebook

Hope that helps and sorry for the confusion earlier. My mistake
You can also download the facebook app and upload your video directly on there. Its an official app not a third party which is cool.

Facebook on windows have two apps
Messenger and the main facebook ie news feed, notifications etc
I appreciate it guys but my issue is posting vids to my different facebook page. From the facebook app I can access my other pages but can only post a message not a pic or a vid. My issue isn't posting vids to my page but to my other pages from the app it self. I'm using facebook pages mangr app but having problem loading vids...pic upload fine
In that case (and feel free to "like" and "thank" me for this...... But yes... Yes you can do this..... All you have to do is use the app for one of the facebook pages AND THEN use the Bing internet version and pin the page to the home screen *he shoots... He scores*
In that case (and feel free to "like" and "thank" me for this...... But yes... Yes you can do this..... All you have to do is use the app for one of the facebook pages AND THEN use the Bing internet version and pin the page to the home screen *he shoots... He scores*
I appreciate you helping me out! From the web page it still only lets me pick my pics but not my vids. Maybe im doing it wrong but I am accesing files from my onedrive but it only lets me select pics not vids im using a Lumia 1520 .crazy enough I can post pics and vids to my groups but not to other pages either from web,app,or facebook pages manager....ill keep trying though but im a bit pissed as im sure IOS or android do not have this issue😡
Ok I understand your predicament. What you will have to do is log into your other facebook pages manually. I know its a pain but it sounds like a complex issue for such a "new" app. I don't think the app is designed for that yet. Logging into the accounts manually is my only suggestion.
There is a serious bug in facebook! I can acces videos to post to my group but not to my other pages from either the app, the actual web page mind you im on my phone doing trying to make this happen . Please if someone can duplicate my actions and post a video for me on how to do this I will literally thank that person from now till the end . I just need to post videos to nit my home page but to another facebook page im managing and I've tried facebook pages mangr and keep getting error message. Mean while my buddie is showing me how easy to do this from his android! He literally post 4 vids to my 0 . Please someone help or is this the situation where I wont be able to perform thus on my WP.
Did you try googling your issue. Its one I haven't come across before and I'm on here a good while. Its hard to advise on an issue that just seems to be located to just you. I really don't know what to do for you.
Did you try googling your issue. Its one I haven't come across before and I'm on here a good while. Its hard to advise on an issue that just seems to be located to just you. I really don't know what to do for you.
Its not just located to me thought! I have searched high and low even as to reward a someone who can help me. I'm that desperate! Please some one try it on there phones to see if maybe its just me! Here what im doing.
Facebook app
Going to my other facebook page
Try to post and it only allow me to post a message
Will not let me attach neither a pic nor a vid from the app. If any one else phone will allow them to attach pics or vids when posting to not there home page but to another page they have. Send me a pic
Maybe my app needs an update,how about another facebook app? I need help bad or I have to switch. My boss said I have to figure it out or they will have to give the facebook managing to someone else who are able to do it. And yes you're able to perform the actions I need ....from an android. I haven't been able to here the end of it!
Ok I created a new page as a test on my facebook. I could post video and pics on it this is how I did it.

Went onto facebook via Internet explorer in my phone.
Pressed the icon on the top right corner (where you see Favorites, Apps etc) scrolled down to my page I created.
Then just tapped the camera icon and my pictures and videos came up as options to add to the page.
Then posted as normal.

I tried the facebook app and I couldn't upload videos only photos. So in short use the Internet explorer version of facebook on your phone. Then you can do everything you need on there.
Ok I created a new page as a test on my facebook. I could post video and pics on it this is how I did it.

Went onto facebook via Internet explorer in my phone.
Pressed the icon on the top right corner (where you see Favorites, Apps etc) scrolled down to my page I created.
Then just tapped the camera icon and my pictures and videos came up as options to add to the page.
Then posted as normal.

I tried the facebook app and I couldn't upload videos only photos. So in short use the Internet explorer version of facebook on your phone. Then you can do everything you need on there.

Thank you very much for doing this ! Now I have to figure out how to select my videos because there not highlighted in red for me to select. My pics are highlighted. From i.e., are your videos highlighted ? My videos are on my OneDrive but I temporarily changed that so my vids will go to my phone but to no avail...ill be getting ahold of ms to see how I can access my videos to post to facebook ...thank you this has me closer than I was before!!
Yes they are all there. What you could try is turn your phone off and on. Oh also when you set up the app did you connect your phone to it. Its like the first step in setup. I have found once you authorise your facebook it reads your files better and when you use the Internet explorer version on your phone. Facebook better recognizes all your media as when you installed the app you gave both versions of facebook permission to read your files.
Yes they are all there. What you could try is turn your phone off and on. Oh also when you set up the app did you connect your phone to it. Its like the first step in setup. I have found once you authorise your facebook it reads your files better and when you use the Internet explorer version on your phone. Facebook better recognizes all your media as when you installed the app you gave both versions of facebook permission to read your files.
I have tried everything and I can't select the.vids I don't get it! How long are you vids? Are they in the cloud or SD card I just don't get it . Maybe my phone is bad . I see the vid there just not highlighted and can't select them to upload to facebook. Now does your i.e. tale you to Mobil site or normal? I can't stop it from switching to Mobil version maybe that's the problem.
No it works for the mobile site. They vary in length and i have moved some from my Onedrive into my phone and it works. So like i don't know what your doing but i can do it without any issue. The only time a video should be highlighted is when you tap it for upload. It shouldn't be auto highlighted. Have you connected your phone to facebook so it can read your files?
No it works for the mobile site. They vary in length and i have moved some from my Onedrive into my phone and it works. So like i don't know what your doing but i can do it without any issue. The only time a video should be highlighted is when you tap it for upload. It shouldn't be auto highlighted. Have you connected your phone to facebook so it can read your files?
I'll try and send a pic but from mobile site.....i go to my stereo shop page.......click on the photo icon......all my pics become edged in red so I can select a pic but the videos are not edge in the red and cannot select them ill send pics maybe it because my vids ate still in the cloud and not on my SD card
Yes try as a test to move one or two videos to your SD card and see does this work. Yes do copy them into the card. I didn't try uploading from Onedrive I only used the what was stored on my phone. 😊

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