W Windows Central Question Jan 8, 2015 #1 how do make a voice recording how do I make a voice recording
Harrie-S Retired Ambassador Sep 26, 2014 5,378 0 0 Jan 8, 2015 #2 Re: how do make a voice recording You can not record a phone call ,with a app, if you mean that. Otherwise use a recorder app like Nova Recorder. Upvote 0 Downvote
Re: how do make a voice recording You can not record a phone call ,with a app, if you mean that. Otherwise use a recorder app like Nova Recorder.
RumoredNow New member Nov 12, 2012 18,134 0 0 Jan 8, 2015 #3 Re: how do make a voice recording If you have Cortana, key the listening mode (hold down the Search key) and say, "Take a note." Cortana will cue you that she is ready... Speak the note and it will be saved as an audio file in One Note. #1 Toolkit has a voice recorder and oh so much more... #1 ToolKit | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) Upvote 0 Downvote
Re: how do make a voice recording If you have Cortana, key the listening mode (hold down the Search key) and say, "Take a note." Cortana will cue you that she is ready... Speak the note and it will be saved as an audio file in One Note. #1 Toolkit has a voice recorder and oh so much more... #1 ToolKit | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
F Funky Cricket New member Oct 4, 2012 652 0 0 Jan 8, 2015 #4 Re: How do I make a voice recording/ open one note, take an audio note, it will even transcribe it for you if you want. Upvote 0 Downvote
Re: How do I make a voice recording/ open one note, take an audio note, it will even transcribe it for you if you want.