When is GDR2 coming?


New member
Oct 13, 2014
Okay, I know many of us didn't get denim yet. Even though I want to know when is gdr2 is coming. With the upcoming win10, gdr2 had escaped from the news and no one is bothering about it. And offcourse it's not a matter to bother ;)
Even, there might be some rumour or something interesting in gdr2 like the gdr1.
Do any one know what Microsoft is adding in the gdr2? When is actually going to release?
Win10 release date has been mentioned roughly but there is no news about gdr2!
Okay, I know many of us didn't get denim yet. Even though I want to know when is gdr2 is coming. With the upcoming win10, gdr2 had escaped from the news and no one is bothering about it. And offcourse it's not a matter to bother ;)
Even, there might be some rumour or something interesting in gdr2 like the gdr1.
Do any one know what Microsoft is adding in the gdr2? When is actually going to release?
Win10 release date has been mentioned roughly but there is no news about gdr2!
I think it won't come, because Microsoft is too busy with Windows 10 and I'm pretty sure that their going to release Windows 10 right away.
I keep seeing all these threads... When will Microsoft release Denim for my phone? When will they release the next firmware? When is the next OS upgrade?

Do a Bing search first. If Microsoft has announced a date, it will show up. Otherwise, you may as well be asking my dog, because he's about as good at guessing as anyone else.

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