Great Accurate weather app?


New member
Jul 8, 2014
I've got Accuweather as my current app, I'd like to know if there are any other weather apps out there that are accurate (at least in US) but also have a transparent live tile like Accuweather.
Well I found Appy weather but I don't know of it's accurate or if it has a transparent live tile.
Then there is weather flow but I don't know if it's accurate, has transparent live tiles though.
Stuck with Accuweather's broken live tile till I can buy Appy weather.
Weather Flow is nice but no radar.
Not a big fan of blue skies, not enough info on the live tile.
Vieather will have todo. Uses accuweather's data so it should be just as accurate, but ill miss the radar maps.
Stuck with Vieather till Accuweather gets fixed or Appy Weather gets weather radar.
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Stuck with Accuweather's broken live tile till I can buy Appy weather.
Weather Flow is nice but no radar.
Not a big fan of blue skies, not enough info on the live tile.
Vieather will have todo. Uses accuweather's data so it should be just as accurate, but ill miss the radar maps.
Stuck with Vieather till Accuweather gets fixed or Appy Weather gets weather radar.

If you can live without a transparent tile, Weatherbug has a great radar map. I rely on it more than Accuweather's..
If you can live without a transparent tile, Weatherbug has a great radar map. I rely on it more than Accuweather's..
I want a does all weather app with radar and transparent live tile. Accuweather fits the bill but their live tile breaks on me.
I've used weatherbug but no transparent tile.
I want a does all weather app with radar and transparent live tile. Accuweather fits the bill but their live tile breaks on me.
I've used weatherbug but no transparent tile.

Join the club - my Weather folder on my Start Screen has 7 apps...all serve some function that the others don't. Weatherbug comes closest for me, but they've got no transparent tile and no update on the horizon to give it one. Such is life, I guess...
I switched off Accuweather when it started to always insist I was in a town a few miles away from where I normally am.

I'm now using Amazing Weather HD and love the way it looks and navigates. It has a live tile with quite a few layout options for each side of the 2 sided tile and is transparent.

Accurate? Yes, I believe it is. I know it's flexible too if you need to juggle locations. Works at home and abroad.

The downfall is that the radar is static and not a loop. I now supplement with NOAA Hi-Def Radar.

I've tried more than my fair share of Weather Apps.
I've also used many weather apps. The ones I like are Amazing Weather HD and 4castr . Both have proven highly accurate for me. I have settled for 4castr as my choice. It's easy on the battery and the feature I like the most are audible weather alerts. Transparent live tiles. Very customizable with choices of weather icons, tile sizes, theme color.
I like blueskies for simplicity. Also it tells me relevant data on the main page. Like rain stopping in 25 minutes and it has a great live tile
Give 4castr a try. It has a simplistic transparent tile. The voice notifications are really cool. I haven't found a weather app yet that has a decent radar in it. I have been using my radar ad free since before I can remember.

Ive also used amazing weather hd. Used that for a long while until I tired of it. Their live tile options I found to be too busy. So right now for me its 4castr for weather info and live tile. I also have the msn weather installed for its lockscreen and then use my radar with its pinned tile for that purpose. IMO there isn't one perfect app yet that has the live tile, radar or lockscreen the way I want. So all my weather eggs are not in one basket. ;)

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