Lumia 830 on TMobile


New member
Jul 8, 2014
Which would get LTE with TMo, the version available on B&H or the AT&T L830 (unlocked)?

I know the AT&T Lumia 635 (unlocked) gets LTE with TMo because I'm using it right now. :P
It seems like the ATT 830 will get LTE on T-Mo, but I'll have to check further, unless the FCC listing is good enough.

I'd just like to know before dumping 400$ on one. xD
And I want to gradually work my way up with screen sizes. 4.5" to 6" is a big jump so ill hold off on a 1520 or its successor and just grab a 830.
I hope I can land its for say 300-350 at some point. 400$ for an 830 I'd rather just save a little more and grab a 1520 but.... yah :P
Here's a screen shot of my 830 RM-985 (from B&H Photo) T-Mobile test
speed test.png
Here's a screen shot of my 830 RM-985 (from B&H Photo) T-Mobile test
View attachment 93397
View attachment 93398

Thanks, ill just have to save up for an rm-985 Lumia 830, hopefully for less than what B&H is asking for via eBay. But if not... Well not much choice there.
Either way thanks a bunch.

I just wish the 830s weren't so expensive x.x, they aren't worth the 450$ they ask for. 375 maybe but not 450... Jeez
Tried a soft reset. Still no LTE. And not even H+ or H, but E right now...

Can you post a screen shot of your APN settings? I've tried the default, and also manually changing them to what T-Mobile has on their site. I'm beginning to wonder if I truly have a 985... Thanks.
Tried a soft reset. Still no LTE. And not even H+ or H, but E right now...

Can you post a screen shot of your APN settings? I've tried the default, and also manually changing them to what T-Mobile has on their site. I'm beginning to wonder if I truly have a 985... Thanks.
Sure :smile:
830 VPN settings.png
You could also try removing your SIM and reinstall it.

That's exactly what mine had as default. Can't get LTE with that setting. It's not what T-Mobile has on their site for setting BYOD data settings, which I have also tried and can't get LTE. I think it's time to call T-Mobile tech support. Thank you again for your help.
If you are going to get an 830 for the US, you may want to pick it up directly from Microsoft unlocked. You get all the benefits of B&H but get the US warranty.

That said, why not just get a 1520 and save yourself the money of the intermediate step. It takes some getting used to but I keep switching my sin back to my 1520 from my Icon because of the screen. Its awesome.

Here is the Microsoft store link to the 830
So finally got this working. I went to Settings/Cellular + SIM/SIM Settings. On that screen there is a dropdown for 'Network selection', which was defaulted to T-Mobile, which is why I never looked at it. I selected "Search for Networks" in that dropdown and when it finished searching it was still on T-Mobile, but LTE was working. Been working great ever since.

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