Hate English Cortana accent


Nov 4, 2014
So I gave my 8 year old my 520 after getting a 1520 almost a year ago. Since November she had an update for denim so I thought I would push it through. (she doesn't care about updates),she had American Cortana for some time but thought I would switch back to English region since we are in England and like the app store in English pound signs.

However... The Cortana English accent is rather posh. So I switched back to American language only for cortana to say "I can't speak your language yet" so it seems like you can't mix English region with American language. Is there a way around this?
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I solved it....... It's actually in Cortana settings where you can change it to speak between English and American accent and not phone language settings. Hope this helps anyone else with this problem
I take it back. It worked once but when I closed Cortana and went back into it.... It said "can't speak your language yet. So close too !!! So an answer is welcome by anyone lol
Sorry sorry sorry.... It's working perfect now... You can get Cortana to speak in English accent or American accent by going in to cortana's setting for speech and NOT phone settings language. Hope that helps :-)
Yes, the accent is a little stand-offish, though not completely unfriendly. The US accent is more jovial to my ears,

It would be good if MS could make the UK Cortana as little more sulty. Perhaps something along the lines of Fenella Fielding?
JS-P, now there's a thought!

I think Cortans has to talk to you like your girlfriend (or boyfriend - we need a Cortano as well as a Cortana!) rather than you mother.

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