Google mail syncs FOREVER (well non -stop for the past three days)

Arlan Henry

New member
Aug 1, 2014
I changed the sync setting of my google mail account. It was currently set to always download email from past '7 days' to 'any time' and ever since then my account has been stuck syncing (currently for the past three days.)

I have been unable to stop this sync (rebooting doesn't work). When I go to the folder "All Mail" the numbers increased steadily from a few hundred to five thousand and now the countdown stopped at 7000+.

In the meantime, no new emails are being downloaded to the phone. No notifications and syncing the inbox reveals nothing all the while the background sync is still running.

Please tell me there is a fix apart from doing a hard reset?!?!

*Off to attempt a soft reset now*

Using a Lumia 1520 with Windows 8.1 running the latest Cyan Update.
Change the date on the phone and turn off data. After sometime check the settings, it should say needed attention, that's when you can delete the mail settings are reset it. Change the date back to normal before doing that. The sync issue is something that I've been through before, I had to reset my phone sometimes, other times the trick i mentioned worked so give it a shot.

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