What is the latest OS for Lumia 1320 in India?

akanksha kumari

New member
Jan 8, 2015
I'm using Nokia Lumia 1320. I wanted to know, what is the latest OS release in India for this model? I'm currently using os version 8.10.12393.890.
I also have a Nokia Lumia 1320 have the same OS version as yours . From the Microsoft internet site, the following are the OS Versions for update 1 and no update.

▼Windows Phone 8.1 Update
OS version: 8.10.14141.167, 8.10.14147.180, 8.10.14157.200, 8.10.14176.243, 8.10.14192.280, 8.10.14203.206, 8.10.14219.341, or 8.10.14226.359

Windows Phone 8.1
OS version: 8.10.12359.845, 8.10.12382.878, 8.10.12393.890, 8.10.12397.895, or 8.10.12400.899*

I did a manual check for updates and I get the message my phone is up to date, there are no updates available. Apparently Microsoft did not make update 1 available to all 1320 phones for all regions as yet. Does any one have any more information on the dates of availabilities of update 1?
As a follow up to my earlier reply, I came across the following Microsoft link which lists the latest OS for various Lumia phone models and for various countries.

Software Update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8
Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia

That looks amazingly, astoundingly, 100% identical to the link I posted 1 hour and 20 minutes BEFORE your earlier reply. The post of yours which I replied to and advised I'd shared the link earlier in the thread.

I'm so gratified you found the link on your own, however, and have shared it here. I quoted you so that the link can now appear in this thread 3 times. Once when I posted it and you later ignored my reference to it, twice when you posted it after scouring the interwebz to find what I tried to point out to you, and thrice when I quoted you to complete the circle...

Life is truly a giant wheel that spins and spins of its own momentum no matter how we try to affect it. Thank you for providing me a suitable subject for future meditations. Namaste.

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