W Windows Central Question Jan 16, 2015 #1 why is that i can recive picture messages ,but not send them on the nokia 734 I recive text picture mess but cant send them
why is that i can recive picture messages ,but not send them on the nokia 734 I recive text picture mess but cant send them
RumoredNow New member Nov 12, 2012 18,134 0 0 Jan 16, 2015 #2 Re: why is that i can recive picture messages ,but not send them on the nokia 734 Have you been trying to send them while connected to WiFi? MMS requires cellular data to function. Upvote 0 Downvote
Re: why is that i can recive picture messages ,but not send them on the nokia 734 Have you been trying to send them while connected to WiFi? MMS requires cellular data to function.
gMaesterUK New member Jun 29, 2014 563 0 0 Jan 16, 2015 #3 Also, some carriers disable MMS outbound by default and you have to enable it to be able to send these messages... Or, have you got the MMS server details correct? Some carriers download the settings automatically, some have to be done manually... G. Upvote 0 Downvote
Also, some carriers disable MMS outbound by default and you have to enable it to be able to send these messages... Or, have you got the MMS server details correct? Some carriers download the settings automatically, some have to be done manually... G.