Windows phone store download problem

Zeeshan Kazi

New member
Jul 26, 2013
Unable to download apps like duolingo and mytube from store and also unable to backup the app settings, please help someone......
Make sure your Microsoft Account can sync... Settings > email + accounts > hold down account name > tap "sync" from pop up menu

If you can't sync then make sure date and time are correct for your location. Remove any restrictions in Data sense. If you still can'y sync, try using a PC browser and changing your password on your Microsoft Account. Entering the new password on the phone will force a sync.

If you can sync and that was not the problem...

Are you doing any Region changes that might cause issues?
Yep I had changed the region to download the moliplayer. But I changed the setting back to normal and uninstalled the molipayer....

I didn't know if this was a solution to your problem... Or you had done a Region change in the past, then went back to your Home Region and THEN the problem occurred...

So after the region shuffle... Can you now download?

​Do you still have your issue?
After downloading the moliplayer I switched back to my home region and the backup problem is still there.. I am unable to backup my app settings.. Neither I am able to Download mytube(2.0 version) and duolingo
Since changing the Region back, have you tried the following?

Make sure your Microsoft Account can sync... Settings > email + accounts > hold down account name > tap "sync" from pop up menu

If you can't sync then make sure date and time are correct for your location. Remove any restrictions in Data sense. If you still can'y sync, try using a PC browser and changing your password on your Microsoft Account. Entering the new password on the phone will force a sync.

Also... If I read the sequence correctly from your posts.

You changed Region > Installed MoliPlayer

Changed Region back to one that does not have Moli > deleted Moli

Deleting it from a Region where it does not exist may have borked things... The servers are holding the uninstall note in your home Region with nowhere to attach the note!!!

​Maybe change back to the other Region and try some cleanup there before reverting to your Home Region again.
The apps like duolingo and pocket tanks are not downloading completely after half completion the downloading stops , sometimes the download doesn't even starts, it says pending.......

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