How to increase battery life?


New member
Jan 20, 2015
My 521 has 25% after 6 hours with moderate usage. Some tips to boost the battery?
So I play a game for a couple minutes on the train to school, then use it a little bit during lunch. Listen to music too on way to school.
Games use a lot of battery. See battery saver which app has the highest usage and I am sure the games are in the top.

What you could do is buy a power pack (external battery).
Turn location setting off.

Brightness to low from auto (it sucks but will save you a lot).

Be in an area with good signal, a bad signal makes your phone drain battery faster.

Not using any wifi/bluetooth/data? Turn on airplane mode, will save a lot.

Hope that helps
Charging cycle, it helped me get more from my 720

What do u mean with "charging cycle"? Is it, charging routine? I usually leave my phone on the charger overnight. Is that bad? Actually the charger that come with my phone manage to fully charge my phone within 2 hours but by that time, I already sleep. Can you explain more regarding "charging cycle"?
What do u mean with "charging cycle"? Is it, charging routine? I usually leave my phone on the charger overnight. Is that bad? Actually the charger that come with my phone manage to fully charge my phone within 2 hours but by that time, I already sleep. Can you explain more regarding "charging cycle"?

Sorry for not being clear, with charging cycle I mean, charging routine -as you said- for example I charge my phone through night while sleeping, and unplug it when wake up in the morning everyday, at the beginning my phone had about 10% every night, but now, it has at least 20% with the same usage.
Sorry for poor English
Sorry for not being clear, with charging cycle I mean, charging routine -as you said- for example I charge my phone through night while sleeping, and unplug it when wake up in the morning everyday, at the beginning my phone had about 10% every night, but now, it has at least 20% with the same usage.
Sorry for poor English

First of all, your english is okay. I understand what you said but I need to know it further.
Oh, just like I do. I just connect my phone to the charger when I go to sleep and disconnect it when I wake up. But, is it okay to leave the phone to the charger even though the battery is already full?
The phone charges up in an hour or two. For more than that, you burn out your battery. Charging right after work and unplugging as soon as it hits 100% is ideal. Then shut it down completely when you go to bed, turn it back on in the morning, and you have a full battery, that isn't burned out.
The phone charges up in an hour or two. For more than that, you burn out your battery. Charging right after work and unplugging as soon as it hits 100% is ideal. Then shut it down completely when you go to bed, turn it back on in the morning, and you have a full battery, that isn't burned out.

Yes, it will shorten the battery life-cycle. Should do as you said. Thanks.

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