How is the Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6?


New member
Aug 14, 2014
Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

A lot of people I know are getting or already have iPhone 6's and i plan on buying a 920 or a new 925 as my current 925 has cracked,and the new Lumia 830 is CLEARLY the best all around Lumia as of right now,but it's $400 off contract and I dont want to get a 2 year contract for $99 becuz then I wont be able to get the new Lumia flagship in the summer,so for now the 925 or 920 will have to do,but I wanted some opinions...How do you think the 920 or 925 do against the iPhone 6???Do u think I can walk around and hold my Lumia 925 or 920 next to someones iPhone 6 and still say my Lumia is better??
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

Don't worry what others think. Get what you want. The 925/920 performs well with 8.1 These can be found pretty cheap off contract. great phones to hold you over until a flagship gets released. I recently bought two Samsung ativ s neo windows phones on eBay. 127.00 each brand new unlocked att they are awesome phones and perform great with no contract attached. Both are running 8.1
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

Don't worry about what you're friends think about your device right now. Just think about how envious they will be after you have patiently waited for a Windows 10 flagship phone that iPhone 7 won't be able to compare to.

Honestly you shouldn't worry about that, but here's a list of things iphone6/6+ don't have or does better.

-Double tap to wake
-Super Sensitive Touch
-Glance Screen
- OIS (only i6)
-Haac mics with Audio Bass filtering (high frequency/range microphones. Also able to filter "bass" sounds for clearer sounds.
-Camera button (they have to actually look at their phones to activate it. You can use feel.
-Better camera app (maybe not so much since iPhones latest update)
-Different parallax effect
-Kids corner
-App corner
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

The "better than iPhone 6" debate doesn't set well with me. I've owned the 925 and I have the iPhone 6. They are different formats with different OS's. Both are outstanding. I'll say that the 830 is also outstanding. I've never experienced the use of a 920 but from what I've read it's outstanding. Heck, the One M8 is outstanding and also freakin' fast and I love it. However, I don't give a rats arse what my friends use. If they think whatever they use is 'better' than what I use well ..... hoopty dang dooo. I use what I like to use. Just go with the one you like. :smile:
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

Honestly... The happiness will have to come from inside you rather than in comparison to someone else.

That being said the 925 is a fine piece of gear. I LOVED mine.

Rock it like you just don't care and flaunt it like it's HOT, baby!!!
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

Try asking on an imparcial forum
If you ask the same on iMore all comments will be "pick the iphone"

Except the OP is not asking if they should buy an iPhone 6, rather if owning a 920 or 925 will still allow them to hold their head high and ignore belittling comments from the iPhone 6 users around them.

...How do you think the 920 or 925 do against the iPhone 6???Do u think I can walk around and hold my Lumia 925 or 920 next to someones iPhone 6 and still say my Lumia is better??
Re: Lumia 920/925 vs iPhone 6

Tell the iPhone users that iPhone 6 design is inspired from Lumia 925 with updated resolution and round edges :)

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