Is there a Windows Phone launcher on Android to test?

Gino Guillermo

New member
Sep 4, 2013
Windows Phone launcher on Android

Hi there.

I am studying and looking at a possibility to replace my Android phone to a Windows Phone. I'm not entirely sure if i can ask this question here but....

is there any good Windows Phone 8 launcher on Android so i can have a feel of what to expect?

Just asking.

Thank you.
Re: Windows Phone launcher on Android

You can get Launcher8 I think, which was the least bad from my experience.
but however, you aren't going to get a great feel of Windows Phone from just a launcher. It doesn't touch the other apps, it only resembles Windows Phone, but doesn't act like it when you get deeper. You only get a superficial look. Best to perhaps get a cheapo device like a used Lumia 520, which would give you a better look.
Re: Windows Phone launcher on Android

You're better off asking this on Android Central.

But a more realistic approach would be:-
1) Read reviews/YouTube - there's a huge amount of information and opinions out there
2) Go to and read lots there
3) Go to a shop and play with a demonstration device.

Also, have a good idea of what you want your phone to do for you. Be aware that Windows Phone is different to Android, which in itself is different to Apple; what you're used to on one system may not map easily to something else - reworking your expectations and way of working is to be expected.
Re: Windows Phone launcher on Android

There's a quite few on play...
I tried X launcher,Uccw etc.

Uccw looks the best...Launcher 8 works a little better.

Like Xandros emulated there's no real replacement for the Windows phone UX.
Re: Windows Phone launcher on Android

You could go to a carrier store alot of them have live phones for you to demo. Its unlikely that you'll find a launcher on android that will fully represent the Windows Phone experience, not to mention Win10 right around the corner.

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