How do I share Youtube video sharing with Whatsapp?


New member
Oct 18, 2013
how to share youtube video sharing with whatsapp?

Is there an easy way to share youtube videos with whatsapp on a windows phone?
Android and Apple you just click the share link but windows does not have that feature why not ?
Re: how to share youtube video sharing with whatsapp?

I do not know why wp has no share.
But wp has a copy and past function.
If you tap the link it becomes highlighted and a icon appears (circle with 2 pages) . If you tap on that icon the link is in a clipboard.
If you go to whatsapp and tap a contact the keyboard comes up above the keyboard you see again a icon. If you tap it it past the link.

See also the link where copy/past is explained better.
Re: how to share youtube video sharing with whatsapp?

Yes I am aware of copy and paste function. But that is much less elegant than what the other platforms have to send a link rather than the video itself and is really a step backwards. Modern smartphones are all about social networks and sharing and I think sending a link instead of the actual video is kind of against edicate. Getting people to get on the windows platform is an uphill battle and it is things like this that make it even more so. This is more for my wife then me, she is the whatsapp addict but I am the one who convinced her to buy a windows phone. Is there no app way out of this I tried one ProTube - YouTube Downloader it downloaded the video but to xbox file and I still couldn't share it. I am not willing to buy an app when I am not sure it will work. Getting people to jump through hoops is not the way forward if this platform is to succeed. Who might I complain too? Because I am not really sure that the developers of apps and the windows platform read anything on this web site.:eck:
Re: how to share youtube video sharing with whatsapp?

I fully understand your point.

I have MyTube which had a share button and can share with Twitter but not with WhatsApp.
Re: how to share youtube video sharing with whatsapp?

Sometimes I think that Microsoft is ,for the biggest software company in the world is too America-centric. I don't want to start a flame war but from the outside looking in that's the way I see it. I am a Canadian living in Europe so I know of American culture I can sort of see both sides. That if its not popular in America then why do it. Whatsapp is huge in Europe every one with a smart phone has whatsapp. Even Zuckerberg thought so when he bought whatapp for 19 billion.
Speaking of Zuckerberg don't get me started on the windows Facebook app. Also the rest of the world is still waiting for Cortana my phone is setup in English but because I live in Germany Cortana doesn't speak my language (WTF) Don't get me wrong I like windows phone but maybe they should work harder to keep their current customers happy because word of mouth is the best advertisement. After all I got my wife a windows phone as well.

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